Midwest Hydro

Did you Know?

Fun facts about hydropower in the Midwest:

Home to Hydropower

The World’s first hydroelectric power plant was built on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin.  In 1882 the Appleton Edison Light Company began generating electricity to power the home of a prominent paper mill owner.

The Largest Source of Clean Energy

Hydropower is the largest source of clean energy, accounting for roughly 7 percent of total power produced in the United States and 19 percent around the World.

Clean Power for Future Generations

Hydroelectric plants are long-term power generators that can be in service for more than 100 years. This is roughly five times the average lifespan of other renewable sources such as wind and solar.

Benefits Beyond Power

Not only do hydropower facilities generate electricity, but they create important ancillary benefits such as flood control, water supply, black start, irrigation, recreation, enhanced wildlife habitat and energy storage (although not all types of hydropower plants provide this benefit).